How to help your kid sleep on vacation: 3 travel sleep tips from a sleep coach

It’s summer now, and this is a time when a lot of families are traveling – seeing relatives, going to weddings, lots of things which mean you're sleeping in a different space. I asked a sleep coach what tips she had for families who are asking babies to sleep in a place that’s not their… Continue reading How to help your kid sleep on vacation: 3 travel sleep tips from a sleep coach

Parents, you’re not alone in the quest for sleep: an interview with a sleep coach

Today, I'm excited to share with you an interview I got to do of Kathleen Heath, one of my fabulous Buy Nothing neighbors – and a local sleep coach! We talked about sleep and how she supports families in achieving their sleep goals. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. How… Continue reading Parents, you’re not alone in the quest for sleep: an interview with a sleep coach