Supporting others

Unboxing my new book

A Catholic Guide to Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss – it’s here!

New training: Caring for Clients through Loss

I’m excited to say that I’ve launched a new course, “Caring for Clients through Loss: A doula’s short guide to bereavement support.” This course is made for doulas who need bereavement support information and strategies fast and now. You can learn more about the course at this link. If you have a friend who is…

A human milk resource for Michiana and beyond: The Milk Bank

One of my favorite resources here in Indiana (and beyond!) is the Milk Bank. The Milk Bank is an Indianapolis-based non-profit that works to make human milk available for more babies. Given the incredible benefits of human milk, especially for babies who face a lot of medical challenges, this work is vital, especially in Indiana…


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