Bereaved Parents Community Group

If you’ve experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death of your child, we gently invite you to join us at our monthly online Bereaved Parents Community Group. There is no charge to attend the group. Both loss moms and dads are welcome to attend.

    We meet for one hour via Zoom. Our gathering is usually on the second Monday of the month at 7pm Central / 8pm Eastern. There is a suggested theme for each month to guide our conversation, but the conversation is not restricted to the month’s theme. 

    We are here to share solidarity and hold space as we grieve our little ones. Our goal is to remind each member that they are not alone. 

    The group is led by Abby Jorgensen and Julie McKay. Abby and Julie are Haven Bereavement Doulas and loss moms themselves. 

    You can sign up for the group here.

    What to expect:

    Each month, we all join the Zoom link together at the start of the hour. Julie or Abby will start the meeting by telling the group a little about the proposed theme and asking us to introduce ourselves and say what topics we all want to discuss. Then, we get into conversation about whatever topics spark the most energy for the group. We wind down at the end of the hour by sharing any resources or next steps with each other before we sign off.